Arts in East Herts Festival 2024
Have a story burning inside you that you long to tell? Started writing and stopped after three words?​ Somehow feel almost afraid to write?
​It's never too late to start writing!
​I'm running an online session giving advice on starting - and, more importantly, finishing - a novel or other creative writing project.
Sunday 22nd September at 4pm
Zoom link HERE
Meeting ID: 823 0166 7341
Passcode: 4ava2h
The session is aimed at anyone who wants to write but is struggling to get the time / confidence / spark that will get them properly started. Or who has started writing but is struggling with carrying on beyond the opening chapter / lines/ idea. Or who needs a boost to get them back into their work. Or who's generally interested in the writing process.
It took me many years, two children and an ASD diagnosis to get the confidence to write the first sentence. A year later I had a finished book and a top flight agent. A year after that, The Court of Broken Knives was published worldwide to critical acclaim. ​